Our chamber was founded on September 22, 1987, by traditional companies which provide commercial information to significant sectors of the Argentine economy, especially commerce, industry and finance.
It has been authorized by the Inspección General de Justicia de la Nación (Superintendence of Corporations, also known by its abbreviation IGJ in Spanish) by resolution Nº 000319 on May 5, 1988, and it succeeded in keeping unscathed its foundational principles.
In its articles of incorporation: “…that come to formalize a civil nonprofit corporation constituted by the companies they represent, therefore they set up the Cámara de Empresas de Información Comercial (Chamber of Commercial Information Companies or CEIC by its abbreviation in Spanish), which purpose is to raise the profile of the product and encourage its use, whatever way it may be, in every commercial transaction, by making the member companies responsible for that categorization on the basis of their practices and corporate behavior; to exert as much pressure as possible on all domestic economic sectors to eradicate secrecy and piracy demanding that the commercial information be provided by reliable companies, members of the Chamber or not; to join the entity that, by bringing together the Chambers of Service Companies, represents the main issues of such important sector of the national economy.”
According to the Article II of the Chamber’s bylaws, its purpose is:
a) To gather all companies whose activities are related to commercial information,
b) To represent its members, individually or collectively, before the relevant authorities, unions and/or labor and employers entities, or accredited delegations,
c) To raise the profile of the information and encourage its use, whatever way it may be, in every commercial transaction, by making the member companies responsible for that categorization on the basis of their practices and corporate behavior,
d) To promote and establish measures in all domestic economic sectors to eradicate secrecy and unfair competition, demanding that the commercial information be provided by reliable companies, members of this Chamber,
e) To foster the spirit of solidarity, assistance and mutual cooperation, to entities or companies related to the commercial information,
f) To advise the public authorities, to propose the required measures for the development of the activity concerning the provision of information, and to participate in committees, agencies and collegiate organizations that state the legal rules related to this activity,
g) To participate on behalf of the member companies in national and international congresses concerning commercial information.
h) To represent the member companies before national, provincial and municipal public authorities in every circumstance in which a common action is considered necessary,
i) To form or participate in federations or confederations for the defense of common interests.”
Likewise, the Article V states: “It could be a member of this Chamber every company whose activity concerns the commercial information, regarding credit risk coverage and related issues, according to the stated conditions.”
The member companies of the CEIC commit themselves to carry out their activities within the established legal framework, observing the following basic principles that constitute the appropriate scenario for the responsible exercise of the activity.
Obligatory Registration
The member companies commit themselves to register in the National Bureau of Personal Data Protection, an essential requirement to be part of the CEIC.
The member companies of the CEIC declare to comply with the Act Nº 25.326 (Personal Data Protection Act) and with its Regulatory Decree Nº 1558/01, and they undertake to respect the directives established by the National Bureau of Personal Data Protection.
The member companies commit themselves to define accurately the objective of their services, aimed to secure the transparency of commercial, credit and financial data, by providing information to prevent fraud and promote credit, therefore facilitating the realization of business in general. Likewise, they commit themselves to maintain the proper use of the information by restricting the access only to the users that have a legitimate interest in it.
The member companies commit themselves to secure equal opportunities and respectful treatment among the partners, bringing assistance, cooperation and solidarity to maintain an environment of healthy competition. Likewise, they commit themselves before the community to denounce any situation of unfair competition and work to eradicate practices incompatible with ethics and/or that violate the regulatory framework in force.
Security and Confidentiality
The member companies commit themselves to take the necessary technical and organizational measures in order to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the stored data, respecting and making others to respect the non-disclosure obligation regarding such information.
Collected Data
The member companies commit themselves to collect appropriate, relevant and non-excessive data from lawful sources to guarantee the realization of business and credit operations in general.
Information Update
The member companies commit themselves to handle the information according to the regulatory framework in force, respecting the right to oblivion and making the greatest efforts to update the information collected. They also commit themselves to consider the documentation that the owner of the information provides to update or rectify it, checking its authenticity previously, and to record in the information at issue, during the procedure, that it has been submitted for review.
Right of Access
The member companies commit themselves to guarantee the owner of the information his right to know what data about his own person is placed in the data base, including the list of those who had accessed his information. For such purpose, the member companies should check accurately the identity of the requester.
CEIC commits itself to represent its member companies defending their interests in all circumstances that require its action, observing and making others observe its principles.
The member companies commit themselves to promote the principles that support the responsible exercise of the activity they perform. For that purpose, they bind themselves to collaborate with broadcasting to the community the rights recognized in the regulatory framework in force, particularly those related to the management of personal credit information.
Breach of Code
In case of breach of the rules prescribed in this Code, the Board of Directors of the CEIC will be responsible for driving the process described in articles 9 and 10 of the bylaws, and able to impose sanctions according to the seriousness of the misdeed and characteristics of the case: a) admonition; b) suspension; c) expulsion.
The current Board of Directors is constituted by representatives of the members companies:
Roberto Omar Laterza (Organización Veraz S.A.)
Daniel Fernando Precedo (Nosis Laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo S.A.)
José Luis Martínez (Cial Dun & Bradstreet)
Bernardo Jonás Sokal (Servicio Interactivo de Informes S.A.)
Vocales Titulares
Eduardo Omar Vázquez (Síntesis S.R.L.
Pablo Alvarez (Fidelitas S.A.)
Vocales Suplentes
Jean Pierre Jullien (Nosis Laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo S.A.)
Oscar Gabriel Ayestarán (Tak S.R.L.)
Organo de Fiscalización
Federico Luis Vázquez (Síntesis S.R.L.)
Mariano Sokal (Servicio Interactivo de Informes S.A.)
Enrique Pablo Pugliano (Organización Veraz S.A.)
Asesor Legal
Julián Alejandro Herrero (C.E.I.C.)
Since heads and representatives of every member company are invited to the meetings held by the Board of Directors, they become plenary sessions, particularly if we take into account that the General Managers of the companies often attend them, and advisors specialized in the topics of the agenda do so regularly. Thus, every topic is exhaustively discussed, and the Board frequently takes unanimous decisions.
Activa Informes Comerciales S.R.L.
Servicio Interactivo de Informes S.A.
Fidelitas S.A.
Equifax Veraz S.A.
Nosis Laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo S.A.
Cial Dun&Bradstreet
Síntesis S.R.L.
From the very beginning, this Chamber has been associated to the Unión Argentina de Entidades de Servicios(Argentine Service Companies Union, or UDES from its abbreviation in Spanish), a subsidiary in Argentina of the global Coalition of Service Industries, which continuously provides us with diverse, significant and updated information from its vast sources. At the same time, it supports us in our activities, especially in the governmental, legislative and institutional fields.
Since this is a third grade trade union and it gathers the chambers of service companies, it receives, studies, resolves and directs to whom they may concern every issue or question that raise in such a large area of the national economy. Many of those issues involve member companies of this Chamber, which were always successfully assisted.
The periodic reports on several topics (e.g. labor, taxes, law, international commerce) issued by this Chamber, as well as invitations to round tables, symposiums, lectures, etc., are promptly sent to our member companies.
Act Nº 25.326 regulated by the decree Nº 1558/2001 of Personal Data Protection and the guarantee of Habeas Data assure the citizens and companies full access to the data that all commercial info
CICOM PATAGONIA: Go personally to España 756 Comodoro Rivadavia, 9 de julio 285 of.13 Puerto Madryn. call +54 0297-4065501 or visit http://www.cicompatagonia.com.ar
EQUIFAX VERAZ (Organización Veraz S.A.): Call (+54 011) 5352-4800. For more info visit http://www.veraz.com.ar
Servicio Interactivo de Informes S.A.: Contact us +54 011-4342-1021 - Monday to Friday from 12 to 18 hs. For more information visit: http://www.siisa.com.ar/.
Síntesis SRL: Go personally to Riobamba 429 – 12th floor, (1025) City of Buenos Aires; by post to the same address, by e-mail to info@sintesis.com.ar or visit: http://www.sintesis.com.ar and clic on "Contáctenos"
Sarmiento 846 4° B City of Buenos Aires - Argentina (C1041AAR) TelFax: 4325-0707 / 4326-7408 - ceic@ceic.org.ar